We are Always Buying!
Alexis currently resides in the Sacramento area and is an active buyer of wholesale residential homes for quick flips in the Sacramento, San Francisco Bay and Los Angeles areas. She is also actively seeking value-add multi-family and Motels investments throughout California. If you are a wholesaler or agent with a below-market deal, you will be handsomely rewarded with either a contract assignment fee or a real estate commission when representing Alexis McGee Group as your buyer in the transaction. Alexis responds quickly to all emailed deal submissions and closes escrows with All Cash in 10 days.
Here are Alexis’ Deal Requirements:
Residential (1-4 units)
California Counties: Sacramento, Solano, Placer, El Dorado, Contra Costa, Los Angeles
Offer Formula:
Maximum Purchase Price = After Repaired Value (ARV) * 70% less all repairs less your wholesale fee (if any). Loans/Liens must be LESS than purchase price.
Please submit your deal by email and include:
- Summary of your deal to include: contract/purchase price, wholesale fee (if any), repair budget, After Repaired Value (ARV), contract deadlines, close of escrow, timeline from purchase to sale.
- Attach all relevant similar comparable sales (active, pending and sold last 90 days within 1 mile radius).
- Attached a copy of Purchase Agreement, Addendums, Wholesale Agreement (if any).
- Include a list of repairs needed and costs estimate (do not need an actual GC bid).
Multi-Family and Motels (Any Unit Size)
N. California Counties: Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, Yolo, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda, San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo
S. California Counties: Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego
Offer Formula:
Maximum Purchase Price = After Repaired Value (ARV) * 75% less all repairs less your wholesale fee (if any). Loans/Liens must be LESS than purchase price.
Please submit your deal by email and include:
- Summary of your deal to include: contract/purchase price, wholesale fee (if any), repair budget, After Repaired Value (ARV), contract deadlines, close of escrow, timeline from purchase to sale.
- Attach property financials to include last 12 months Profit and Loss Statement; Offering Memorandum (if available); Rent and Sales Comps.
- Attached a copy of Purchase Agreement, Addendums, Wholesale Agreement (if any).
- Include a list of repairs needed and costs estimate (do not need an actual GC bid).
Submit Your Deal 24/7 HERE. Alexis will get back to you within 24 hours!